Be Thankful– It’s Good For You!

“Let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe” (Hebrews 12:28b). Did you know that starting your day with gratitude and thanksgiving is one of the best things you can do to improve your life? It has an immediate, powerful impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing.    Long-term studies support gratitude’s … Read more

10 Harvest Truths

As I write this, September has begun, and we are transitioning from a blistering summer to a breezy fall.  The sunflowers are drooping and fading while the mums are about to burst into bloom.  It’s a beautiful time of year, a time of harvest. Harvest for some of us means little more than decorations:  pumpkins, … Read more

Savor The Season You’re In

Remember The Byrds? Back in my childhood (and no, we’re not talking about the Dark Ages, unless you’re thinking of the internet, in which case– oh, never mind) there was a point where transistor radios were the “in” thing to have.  They came with a little earphone, or you could play it without.  They were … Read more

Hope For The Heart

 Finding Hope In Hard Times Life often seems to be a constant fluctuation of emotional highs and lows.  As sure as the sun rises and sets each day, there are going to be peaks when everything is going great and valleys where nothing seems to be going your way.  It’s no problem dealing with the … Read more

Where Is God In All Of This?

Anxious Times Even as a Christian, it’s hard not to be anxious while watching the evening news.  War, inflation, pandemic, mass shootings…the list seems endless.  I’ll admit, more than once I’ve turned off the TV after feeling my chest grow tight. Has that happened to you? Have you been tempted to ask, “Where’s God in … Read more

Work: Good or Bad?

“I hate my job!”   How many times have you heard someone say that?  Perhaps they’re expressing frustration with employment that they don’t enjoy.  Then there are those who are basically saying they don’t like work period. Which brings up a question:  Is work good or bad? I’m guessing some readers will laugh and answer, “Work … Read more

A Little Lesson From Lazarus

My wife and I recently purchased a plot at a local cemetery.  We’re in no hurry to move in, of course.  It’s just a practical bit of advance preparation. We only needed one plot for both of us since we plan to be cremated.  Because of the cost savings, that appears to be the wave … Read more

Plant Those Gospel Seeds!

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.”   — I Corinthians 3:6 (NIV) As I look out my window, the forsythia is starting to bloom.  Out front, our daffodils are coming out.  Yellow is my favorite color, so I look forward to seeing both each spring.  New growth is … Read more

The Mystery of St. Valentine

  What’s your favorite February holiday?  There are several to choose from, of course.  There are even some you may never have heard of.  Are you passionate for pizza?  February 9th is National Pizza Day.  Enjoy doing nice things for others?  Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th.  Or if you’re more globally … Read more