A Tale of Two Cities

“Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, Jericho, Jericho, Joshua fought the battle of Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down!” Many of us are familiar with this Sunday School song.  But few people realize that in the Bible, it’s not just about Jericho.  It’s really a tale of two cities, mighty Jericho and insignificant Ai … Read more

Which Ananias Are You?

There are many heroes of the faith mentioned in the New Testament.  If you were asked to name one, you might mention Paul, or Peter, or John.  Chances are the same names would come up no matter who you asked. But, like the major and minor prophets in the Old Testament, the Bible also has … Read more

Why Christmas?

The Reason For The Season We know that December 25th  isn’t really the day that Jesus was born, but we celebrate it then anyway.  And that’s okay. Yet there are many people who celebrate Christmas without any knowledge of the significance of Jesus.  They just love the decorations, the gift giving, and the parties.  In … Read more

10 Ways To Express Gratitude Every Day

    Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions that you can experience. It connects you to what is truly important in your life. It reminds you that as long as you’re breathing, everything is going to be okay. And it helps frame your day, your expectations, and your actions. Embracing gratitude can be … Read more

The Next Verse

What Comes After John 3:16? Do you have a favorite Bible verse?  Many people do.  Some people call it their “life verse.” Probably the most famous verse in the Bible is John 3:16.  Most Christians can quote it by heart:  “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes … Read more

The Impact Of A Teacher

My Life Begins…In Second Grade Awhile back I was reading a devotional by Dr. David Jeremiah, when a paragraph jumped out at me:  “God sends various people into our life.  Some encourage us.  Some rebuke us.  Some help us recover.  They all play a part in shaping us to be the person God wants us … Read more

Celebrate the Sabbath!

Stop The World, I Wanna Get Off! Have you ever felt like that?  I know I have.  For much of my life I was a workaholic, following my dad’s example.  I was working six days a week (in a Christian ministry, no less).  My one day “off” was Sunday– but I spent most Sundays teaching … Read more

Why the Wilderness?

Next Stop:  The Desert Did you know that the word “wilderness” occurs nearly 300 times in the Bible?  Many people in the Bible had a wilderness experience– Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, just to name a few.  And if you’re a Christian, sooner or later you’ll find yourself there also. You may wonder, “Why the wilderness?  … Read more